Electrical Services

Types of EV Chargers
An electric vehicle’s ability to quickly recharge depends on two things: a home’s electrical supply and the EV charging unit used. EV chargers are broken down into three levels. Level one chargers are the slowest, while level three chargers are the fastest.
Level 1 Chargers
A level 1 charger comes standard with an electric vehicle. Because they use a home’s standard outlet, these chargers are most useful for slow overnight charges.
Level 2 Chargers
Level two chargers do their job faster but require an electrician for installation. These chargers need a dedicated 240-volt circuit to supply a current strong enough to charge an electric vehicle at a faster rate. Level 2 chargers can add approximately 70 miles of range for each hour of charging! These are the most popular options for home charging.
Level 3 Chargers
Level 3 EV chargers are incredibly fast but require an industrial supply of power, making them difficult for homeowners to install. These chargers can recharge an electric vehicle’s battery to 80% in only 30 minutes. Level 3 chargers are not typically possible to install at home.
Choosing the Right EV Charger
Identifying your needs is the most crucial step in charging your electric car at home. While many people are fine with charging their car overnight with a level 1 charger, many prefer the flexibility provided by a level 2 charger.
Our team will help you to choose and install the right system.
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